Today I had the fun opportunity to visit Music with Mommie class in Cool Springs and had a great time. And some things occurred to me. Number one. Wow that this class still exists. Number Two. Can't believe my daughter is going to turn five in May. Number Three. In a few weeks, we will begin taking applications for moms with musical backgrounds who would like to teach Music with Mommie class in their communities. Number Four. I can't believe it. The mere fact that this class still exists without me teaching it is amazing to me, really. I'm kind of dumbfounded. It's like up there with walking on water.
For those of you that do not know, I am working as a therapeutic case manager (contract work) for LifeCare Family Services while finishing up my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Trevecca Nazarene University. My plan and dream is to first, get my license working with an agency. And then, God willing and I live, I want to build on to the back of my farmhouse and start a private practice called Sunnybrook Counseling for Kids.
In the meantime, I am in grad school (three semesters left somebody tell me I can do this), juggling swim lessons, a two year old boy who wants me to take him to the zoo for the monkeys to raise him, and I just might, my husband who has worked in the music industry for 20 years and has a crazy schedule, and my daughter who is smarter than me....
Oh and then there is the fact we are taking care of a FARM. Yes people I just don't know when to quit. But I think I have officially hit my limit, which is a good thing. Limits are good ;)
I am a person so full of ideas it makes me crazy. I was so comforted in my grad school personality development class when I found out my personality type is the one that most entreprenuers have. They should tell you this in elementary school. Seriously people. I should have known that a long time ago.
I wake up in the night with ideas, I drive, I get ideas. Thankfully my husband listens. He does a lot of smiling and nodding. He listens a lot. He has probably grown several pairs of ears since he married me almost 12 years ago. Thank God for ears.
Anyways, I digress. So I am really happy that Music with Mommie finally, and I say FINALLY, has the opportunity to grow. We are getting a new website look- thanks to JOE DESIGN the most wonderful designer God ever made that I am so happy to get to work with. And so here is my dream. You wanna' hear it?
My dream is that I get to work as a child therapist on my farm. And that I get to see moms all over the country take this class. Is that so hard? Is that realistic? I'm just askin' because sometimes I think am I dreaming too big here? Am I just impatient or what?
Yeah. Prob'ly impatient. (I am hearing Eeyore in my head right now.)
I have another dream too if you wanna' hear it.
I wanna' do another record. OKAY there I said it I wanna' do another record.
In all my spare time.
That's it for today folks. I'm signin' off.
Over and out.
Just keepin' you updated.
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