Conversations with a 4 year old.
Me: "Ya'll wanna split an ice cream sandwich?" Rebekah: "Can I have the biggest piece?" Me: "Well yes, but if you want to know what Jesus would do- He would give your brother the biggest piece." Rebekah: "Well I'm not Jesus."
You never know what a four year old will say. Or a two year old for that matter, but for this conversation we're talkin' bout my four year old.
So THIS conversation got me to thinkin'. WOULD Jesus have shared the bigger half of his ice cream sandwich?
Now I'm not talking about Jesus at 30 when he was an adult. You know the "Adult" Jesus who hangs on crosses in churches and is very, very serious in antique Bible books. I'm talkin' bout FOUR YEAR OLD Jesus. Would HE have shared his ice cream sandwich. We do a lot of talkin' about baby Jesus and died-on-the-cross Jesus. We don't do a lot of talkin' about four year old share your ice cream sandwich Jesus.
So let's talk. What do you think??
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