Lucy the Ladybug had just moved to town.
She had no new friends and was feeling quite down.
"Poor pitiful me," she cried. "What shall I do?"
And Lucy the Ladybug began to feel blue.
When up hopped a grasshopper with a "How do you do?"
You're looking quite sullen. Are you feeling blue?"
"Of course I am," whimpered little Lucy Ladybug.
"I'm new to this place, and I've not met the first slug!"
Then along came a bee, a spider and a flea
All crying together, "Poor pitiful me!"
They each thought that theirs was most terrible news,
And each of them had gotten a bad case of the blues.
"Well hello there," said grasshopper, tipping his hat.
"Do you all have the blues? Just what's up with that?!
Then each bug sang its sad, sad song.
And when the others were singing, they each hummed along.
"My flowers," sang the bee, "were as tall as a tower
When a lawnmower came through and each one devoured."
"And my web. Oh, my web," moaned the spider in tears,
"Was knocked down by a broom when I'd lived there a year."
"But mine is the worst," cried the flea in a fog.
"For I've just had to leave my favorite dog."
"It's the collar he's got. I just can't stand the smell,
Such a horrible smell that words cannot tell."
Then the grasshopper hopped to a tall flowering weed
And clearing his throat declared words we should heed:
"While each has the right to feel down, it is true,
Sometimes just a little good action will do.
To spin a new web or to find a new dog
Is just what one needs to get out of a fog.
Often the things which worry us most
Work out in the end to be blessings almost.
Lucy the Ladybug started to giggle,
And one of her wings, it started to wiggle!
"I cannot believe it!" she laughed through her grin.
"I felt all alone and now I have friends!"
"And I," said the flea, jumping up on a log,
"Am on an adventure to find a new dog."
"To spin a new web!" barked the spider with glee.
"And to find some more flowers," buzzed a happier bee.
So think on these things next time you feel down,
And try a big smile instead of a frown.
Then lend an ear and help somebug through
When somebuggy you know is singing the blues.
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