Little Cabin in the Woods - I remember...
How do I love thee
Let me count the ways
I love thy dirt and cracks
And mouse droppings
I love the birds chirping
And the chicken hiding underneath
I love the outhouse
The bear hanging oh so cleverly
I love the blue moon
Knocking it's entrance
I love the rock pathway
to the garden overgrown
with tomatoes and weeds
and the oversized Boy Scout swing
Made of tree trunks
And the old wicker swing
Homemade wood to replace
It's decrepity
I love the bentwood lounge
Rickety and never quite level
I love the old coondog
The mutt dog
The annoying cat
named after my grandfather
to no fault of his own
I love the three mile walks
Past the creek
Past the old cabin
the doctor built but never visited
I love Grandpa and Grandma's
70 year old white farmhouse
Full of their patraticky things
they never threw away
And the five broken down lawnmowers
Waiting for the depression to strike once again
I love the shed full of moss covered
Garage sale items waiting for
Miss Suzy to come and open once
Again for summer. Monday through Friday 9am-1pm
With lemonade to spare
I love the oil lamps burning
Warming my cottage like a
Painting by Norman Rockwell
and the smell of the
Wood stove
Cooking breakfast
with black iron skillets and
my husband with his apron
And his boyish smile
I love the owl hoo
The wolves' crazy wild parties
When all is sleeping
I love the creeking doors
The fact that none of the doors
Have ever locked
And the shotgun holes
through all the entryways
I love the well pump
And the sound of dogs lapping
After a good romp chasing
The airplanes
I love the wild turkey families
And the baby deer
But most of all
I love my free spirit
My wandering mind
In all of it's aloneness
Swinging in the trees.
You truly are a free spirit and always an inspiration to me!! Everytime I read your post it makes me smile.. I am blessed to know u my sweet friend!
Love you Annette! Somebody has to do it ;)
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